Saturday, May 26, 2012

Songs, songs, songs!

Songs, songs, songs!

We are always looking for interesting resources for teaching young learners, and songs are an all-time-favorite, right? But the plethora of available resources sometimes makes it hard (and time consuming) for teachers to dig the real gold.
Since I've been through a lot of digging, I decided to do some sharing on cool song sites and youtube channels! I'm listing my top 3 favorites, along with their authors' descriptions: 

1) Super Simple Songs: In 2005, the teachers of Knock Knock English school for children in Tokyo, Japan, were having trouble finding learning materials that were both simple and fun enough to engage their young learners. So, they started making their own. Several award-winning CDs later, Super Simple Learning materials are being used in classrooms and homes around the world to help children learn with confidence and a smile.

2) Dream English: Children's songs for singing, sharing and learning! 

3) Genki-English: gives you the techniques and confidence to teach any language and get your kids finishing a lesson with a big smile saying "Yeah, that was fun! I want to do more!". 

So, have you enjoyed them? Which was your favorite? Let me know your opinion!

(X-TRA: I've just found this great channel on Youtube: , it has great versions of traditional songs!)

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