Thursday, August 16, 2012

Classroom Management Songs

During our Workshops on Teaching English to Young Learners in São Paulo, lots of teachers have been asking us about classroom management songs. As we know, songs are a very effective and fun tool for classroom management, but we not always have that brilliant idea to make our day.
Well, I've listed some inspiration sources for these days! :)
A last word: the best classroom songs are those we enjoy singing! We are more likely to remember using them, as well to share our preference and energy while singing in class! :)

Songs for Teaching: Classroom Management Songs

This site brings us loooooots of ideas of lyrics and songs we can use in different moments of our class, including activity transitions, songs for asking students to lower their voices, songs for calling students attention and maaaany others. It's really worth the visit!

Super Simple Learning: Using Music in the Classroom

This teaching tip gives us ideas on how to use music during different class moments! Cool!

A Selection of Transition Songs by Sing Up

A teacher reflects on how singing and rhyming changes her day and shares some of her favorites! Worth a visit!

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